T 10/16/07 4 miles 42 minutes
6:10 pm 44 degrees
so I haven't run in three weeks. I was loving running in the morning. And then it started getting dark and never getting light. Now it is dark at night too. Okay, well it was always dark at night but night used to come much later in the day.
I am blogging from the comfort of our new mission style leather recliner.
There is a 10K that I was thinking of running in. I was in shape. I was looking good and could have actually run almost fast. The race is Saturday and I ran for the first time in 3 weeks. I could maybe still do it. Unless I am on a work trip.
This darkness in the morning thing is tough. I have been getting up at 5:30 three days a week to go to "Power Hour" which is hell on earth disguised as a fitness class. It involves using just about every possible muscle in the body (except for the ones that help you smile) for one hour until you're entire body shakes with pure exhaustion. Anyway, it used to be when it was finished at 7 a.m. the sun was up. Now, not so much. Pretty soon we'll get an hour in the morning though so don't give up on this morning thing. People who run in the morning are more likely to stick with their program than others. Don't be an other...
- Your East Coast Trainer and Motivator
4:33 PM
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