My running blog

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

T 9/4/07 5 miles 56 minutes
5:45 am

Another great thing about running in the morning (maybe i already said this) when you get home for the day, you have the entire evening and you have already done your exercise. I am experiencing this joy right now. I am choosing to use the evening to blog about my running.
I wonder if I will be able to maintain this practice through the long winter nights. I was late getting out this morning and it was still very dark. It was light by the time I finished but that won't last much longer. I am nervous running in the dark by myself. Why is that? Why is it scarier to run in the dark alone than in the light? I have myself convinced that the bad people aren't up early in the morning so I don't dwell on it.

A turns 40 this Friday


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it's scarier to run during the day because the half pit bull/half rottweiller can smell you AND see you and that seems to me to be a doubly dangerous thing.

Of course, as I found out this morning, running while it is still dark greatly increases the chances that you will almost step on a snake that is warming itself on the pre-dawn pavement...


2:07 PM


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