My running blog

Saturday, March 04, 2006

S March 4, 2006 rest
I need to stop making Saturdays rest days. Especially since today was beautiful. The sun was shining, birds singing. We didn't even walk to breakfast because I had to teach Math Mania. (Which is like Beattle Mania in no characteristic whatsoever. Actually if you do a search for MANIA on Google you eventually come to "stocking-mania" which gives you "links to thousands of FREE stocking fetish images. From lesbian to hardcore bondage and asian girls." Math Mania is not like this either.) After Math Mania, Andrea took me for french fries and then to test drive the Prius. We already have one on order but realized we haven't really taken it out on the highway. And we had to make sure the new travel mug that I got for christmas will fit in the cup holder.

So we are almost up to real time. It is interesting for me to go back and read some of my earlier posts. And strange to think that I have been "running" for more than a month now.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have several things to say.

#1, I much prefer the $1.00 gloves you can buy at t he grocery store to kleenex. You have to get over the social-cultural aversion to blowing your nose right into your "hand" but they are re-usable (I can go maybe three days before I wash them) and don't fall out of your pockets. It's kind of like being a kid again when you blow your nose into your hands and then rub them together to make the snot "disappear."

#2 There is no way to bypass the "I feel like crap and there is no way I am going to finish this run" part of a run. That invariably lasts anywhere between 0 and 10 minutes, sometimes lasts as long as 30 minutes for me when I know I am going to run 90 minutes or longer. But the trick is this: learn to stop thinking for that period of time. Put your brain in the off position (except for the part that warns you that the dog approaching you is looking at you like you are top sirloin or the part that indicates that the car about to cross your path has no intentions of stopping). Not an easy thing to do. But 14 years of attending a Quaker school helped me to develop the needed skill of shutting down at leasat once a week for 45 minutes (meeting for worship). Also, several of my most recent meetings at work have taught me how to disengage completely from reality and allow my eyes to glaze over while still appearing interested and engaged. I can even say things like "I understand your point but I think we also have to consider..." while not using ANY brain cells. I have gotten good at it.

#3 At the end of a run, I often do this: I walk for 20 steps on my toes and 30 steps on my heels. I repeat this 3-4 times. Then I do things like walking high knees for 20 steps and kick up toe touches. A good cool down that includes dynamic stretching and the first part works on stretching calves and shins. Sometimes I worry when people drive by because I'm afraid I look stupid. But then someone drives by in a Hummer and I realize that they look far more stupid than I and I continue with my stretches and kicks.

10:38 AM


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