My running blog

Sunday, December 10, 2006

More than one month after my last post. Welcome to my non-running blog.
Every excuse in the book for not running was invalid today. I had no committments to work around, the weather was perfect as winter weather can be, I was not just recovering from a long run or race. There was no reason no to go running today.

I did not go running today.

I didn't do anything today. Nothing. I was in a fugue state. I am not sure what that means, but there I was, contemplating the meaning of fugue state to see if it described my existance. I got up to have breakfast, read the funnies, looked around the house and decided that there was nothing keeping me from going back to bed. I recall looking out the window and thinking, "Wow, what a perfect day for running" and then I went back to bed. I think I got up at 2:00 in the afternoon. At that point I just did laundry, tried to clean the house for the holidays and sewed covers for the chairs. All the while I was thinking, "There is no reason that I am not running right now."

This evening we went to a Christmas party at which I met Elizabeth Sims and her partner Marcia. You loaned me a book by her once upon a time. I have since read the entire Lillian Byrd Crime series. She is very fun.


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