My running blog

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

T April 4, 2006

Time: 2:45 pm Temperature: 52° Precipitation: None, another beautiful sunny Pt. A day
Length: 70 minutes- 6+ miles
House to MP 1: walked
MP 1 to MP 1.5: 5:17
MP 1.5 to MP 2: 5:28 10:45
MP 2 to MP 2.5: 5:38
MP 2.5 to MP 3: 5:49 11:27
MP 3 to MP 4: 11:28
MP 4 to MP 3: 11:06
MP 3 to MP 2.5: 5:40
MP 2.5 to MP 2: 5:32 11:12
MP 2 to MP 1.5: 5:45
MP 1.5 to MP 1: 5:36 11:21
and then I ran around for 2:44 just get in the 70 minutes.

This means it took me 67 min 22sec to run 6 miles. I was not worrying about pace. I just wanted to get in a run since I haven't run since March. I attribute the differences in pace to song selection on the iPod. Rather than set up an orgainized list, I put the songs on random. This worked well
As you may have surmised, I didn't run while in Seattle. There was an exercise room which had treadmills and one elliptical trainer. I just never took the time out of my busy day of relaxation and shopping to do anything. I was a little worried about getting hurt. Ever since my 75 minute run I have had more aches. I fear that I am getting shin splints. I thought the elliptical trainer would be good to diminish the strain of impact but just never got to it. So I just gave myself permission to take some time off. And today I was right back on the horse with what should have been my Sunday run. Now that it is daylight savings time I will have any easier time fitting in evening workouts. I also got my bike out of the shop. I got new sprockets to make my gear ratios more usable. I am eager to actually do some cross training on my off days.


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