T March 16, 2006 short run 4 miles
Time: 3:40pm Temperature: 48° Precipitation: none, beautiful sunshine. The weather report was saying 80% chance of rain this evening but it is 6:00 right now and I still see plenty of sunshine.
Length: 46 minutes
House to MP 1: walked
MP 1 to MP 2: 10:49
MP 2 to MP 3: 11:19
MP 3 to MP 3: 11:50
MP 3 to MP 2: 11:32
Total run time: 46 minutes
Walk home and stretch for 25 minutes.
Dogs: 3 Other Joggers: 4
Signs of Spring: the main sign of spring that I am looking for is little baby ducks. I am not seeing them. I thought I saw them the other day but these little baby ducks were so big they must have been born weeks ago. Maybe the little guys don't swim in the strait.
You could count the joggers as signs of spring. I don't usually see runners on the path. It has been mostly cyclists. Do you think those are other novices on the 13 week training schedule for the half marathon and therefore just started this week? Hmm, that is certainly something to think about. I shall watch their progress. Every one of them had an ipod type contraption strapped to their body somewhere. I wish I had one.
My run actually felt good today. I was surprised by my sub 11 minute mile. I wasn't even trying, I was just turning my brain off to the pain. After Tuesdays experience I felt comfortable back on my turf and confident that I would not get eaten by a dog or a big spruce tree. My next task is to run for 70 minutes. I am getting so fast that six miles might not be far enough to last 70 minutes. One of these days I want to go out and pay no attention to my watch and just run to some predetermined spot and back. Maybe compare the time for one way to the time in the other direction. I get too fixated on the time for my mile. Not fixated enough to run faster, just enough to be more concerned about it.
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