My running blog

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

T March 7, 2006 short run 4 miles, I was only going to go 3.5 but…
Time: 6:00pm Temperature: 42° Precipitation: none, first sunshine, then moonshine, or is that moonlight?
Length: 46 minutes. I have no problem rounding 45 min 59 seconds up to 46
House to MP 1: walked
MP 1 to MP 2: 11:18
MP 2 to MP 2: 11:29
MP 2 to MP 1: 11:32
MP 1 to MP .5: 5:50
MP .5 to MP 1: 5:49
Total run time: 46 minutes
Walk home for 10 minutes.
Dogs: 1
Signs of Spring: Are bunnies classic signs of spring? I know they are symbols of Easter but I thought that was because of the Easter Bunny. I saw a bunny. Not some skinny, barely survived the winter wild brown rabbit. This was a fluffy, been living on carrots and has a warm place to sleep black and white bunny. I also had a little inch worm on my jacket.
Kleenex: yes but this turned out to be a mistake. Just at the 10 minute mark when my nose started to drip I took out a Kleenex. It sort of slipped as I was unfolding it to blow my nose. You know how you inhale deeper when you are about to blow your nose. Here's a tip, don't inhale the Kleenex.

My perspective of these runs have changed. I don't like the short runs anymore. If I only go out for two or three miles and it takes me one or two miles to warm up, then I don't feel good for most of the run. If I go out for 4 or 5 miles then the bad part seems smaller. I also need some things to do on my non run days. I am going to try to get Andrea out on the bike soon. Tonight was the first time in a long while that I was out after dark. I did not intend to run at night. The internet said that sunset was at 7:07 pm. Here's the thing, when you run for 46 minutes, even if you leave an hour before sunset, you get home right around sunset. Something about the time passing or the earth turning or some science type explanation.
Another item of note: I am wearing my new contacts. By new I mean the ones that I got just before we left Maryland. They are not disposable so it took me awhile to get up the energy to put them in. I know that when I take them out I have to wash them. My other contacts are disposable. I can just take them out of my eyes and throw them in the garbage. They are so old they expired in 2004, and they are like two prescriptions ago so I can't really see as clearly with them in.


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