9/18 crappy run tonight.
I guess literally. I had to stop and walk at the 30 minute mark until I got to a portajohn. 0:45 11:02 11:02 10:09* 3:00* 2:01* the * represents walking. I went 4 miles but I only ran 3 of them.
I have tried to go to the suggested website and tried entering a few different race lengths, different times just to see what I got. It was pretty interesting. I didn't print anything out as my training schedule yet.
I haven't found a race in the area. I am getting conflicting info on one that is listed on the internet for November but I got a flyer in the mail that says it is in October. I continue to look.
I love the new shoes! So does the cat. An hour before we were to leave for a week to Yellowstone, Barque decided to pee on my shoes. Had I even worn them more than once? This threw us into a fury of activity. cleaning the shoes, boarding the cat at the vet, worrying if we got the right cat. So now we have a geriatric cat, a cat on anti-depressants, a cat on asthma medication, and a cat on anti-biotics. The shoes don't smell too bad.