4 miles 42:22 minutes
It has been more than a week...what am I to do? Well, the race isn't until next month. It is cold out. I need the snot gloves. It was a beautiful sunny day but there was frost on the vegetation along the path. Pretty soon down by the water will be the warm part of town. It is Halloween and dark by 5:30 yuck. I guess I had better get used to it. My plan is to run during the days on my work-at-home days. I haven't been able to do that yet. It is too hard to get out of bed in the morning. I am not up until 8:00 and then I don't feel like taking time away from work. Today is also the last day to say, "The race isn't until next month." 10:43; 10:41; 10:40; 10:22 Hey, check it out, I ran faster.