T 8/28/07 4 miles 42 minutes
5:40 am
Check it out. I am almost ready to call myself a morning runner. I love seeing the sunrise on the water. If I go out early enough I have no glare in my eyes. This morning, I actually got up early enough to get in my run and get to my job on time - including the 70 minute drive. I am not up early enough to actually blog about my run which is why this is getting posted at 8 in the evening.
I do fill out my excel spreadsheet.
I made a little calendar to see if I can determine a pattern of when I have difficulty fitting in runs. One generalization I can make is that large disturbances to my schedule affect my run. When my nephew was here I ran not a bit. When I am on trips I rarely run. When I have big work events that take days of preparation - no run. Did I already say that I am hoping that by becoming a morning runner I will mitigate these anomalies?
On another tab I have a list of all my runs and the distance color coded by month. So far, months that start with "A" are winning any sort of contest. This is how I know that I have logged so many miles on my sneakers. This tab was supposed to be my race times but it expanded. On a third tab I have my mile times for my standard route. some day I want to compare my different speeds on different parts of the trail.
Todays run was my first after a "long" run. It felt really good. I miss my long runs.